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The price of a new British passport is increasing this week with the Home Office upping the cost of documents for both adults and children.
Closures are ongoing due to a vehicle fire.
Roadworks in Pangbourne are ongoing, but two-way traffic lights have been removed.
A road is currently undergoing maintenance works in Pangbourne.
A road is currently closed in Bradfield.
A road will close in two weeks time.
A road is currently closed in Burghfield.
Crookham Road will be closed for one day next week.
A road has closed for 11 days from today.
A road is currently shut in Winterbourne.
A road in Purley-on-Thames will be closed for three days later this month.
A road will be closed in East Garston in two weeks time.
A road will be closed next week in Frilsham.
A road in Padworth will be closed in two weeks time.
A road in Mortimer will be closed for a fortnight from next week.
Improvement works have begun on active travel route.
Residents have voiced concerns over ongoing speeding problems in their villages.
A road in Burghfield will be closed in November.
Two roads will close in Brimpton in two weeks time.
A car accident was reported yesterday in Tadley.
Building blaze causes travel disruption at Eddington.